On the Front

State Stats
Name of state represented, state shape and capital location.

Team Affiliation
Learn weather your senator is on team Republicans, team Democrats or on neither team (Independent)!

AI Generated Art
A carefully crafted AI-generated avatar of each senator.

Senator's Name
Name of the senator

Senator's Achievements
When applicable, we'll highlight a senator achievement.
On the Back

Team Affiliation
Learn weather your senator is on team Republicans, team Democrats or on neither team (Independent)!

Senator Stats
Get some quick facts on your senator, such as their education and start date.

State Facts
Learn about the state they represent. (State flag, abbreviation, capital, state flower/bird and state nickname)

Senator's Bio
Read a short bio on the senator with career highlights.

AI Generated Art
A carefully crafted AI-generated avatar of the senator.

Whether your Senator is a "Rookie" or an "Incumbent."

Follow your Senator
Learn the senator's "X" handle and follow them to stay up to date.

Tracking ID Number
Use the unique card tracking ID to help you easily identify the cards you've gathered and the ones you're yet to collect using our app, making your journey to complete the set both thrilling and interactive.